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Kidneys 腎臓のはなし

This is Informatin of Energetic Life.
This time we will be talking about "the kidneys."
The kidneys are bean-shaped organs about the size of a fist, and are located on the back, one on each side at waist height.
The kidneys are made up of a mass of blood vessels, and work as the body's "filter" to remove waste products from the blood and produce urine.

●Kidney functions
・Produce urine
・Regulate the internal environment
・Regulate blood pressure
・Help produce blood
・Build strong bones

●When kidney function declines

- Proteinuria and hematuria

- Changes in urine volume

- Frequent urination at night

- Anemia

- Itchy skin

- Swelling

- Loss of appetite
*When kidney function falls below 10%, it can no longer filter blood and dialysis becomes necessary.

●Causes of decreased kidney function
The most common causes are diabetes, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, dyslipidemia, and high uric acid levels that can lead to arteriosclerosis, but there are also unspecified causes, such as congenital kidney weakness or childhood illness.
It is said that once kidney function is lost, it is difficult to restore it.

● To protect the function of the kidneys
・Moderate exercise
・Drink moderate fluids and don't hold your urine
・Avoid stress and overwork and get enough sleep
・Drink alcohol in moderation! Don't smoke
〈Disease management〉
・Improve lifestyle-related diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and dyslipidemia
・Eat a balanced diet
・Be careful not to eat too much salt or fat
・Be aware of your sense of taste

Source: Toyokawa City Hall Nursing Care and Elderly Affairs Division
Tel :0533-89-2105






発信元:豊川市役所 介護高齢課

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  • 注册日期 : 2025/01/21
  • 发布日 : 2025/01/21
  • 更改日期 : 2025/01/21
  • 总浏览次数 : 55 人