Hazardous winds such as tornadoes are likely to occur in Eastern Aichi Prefecture . Please be on the alert for severe weather conditions. In the event of lightning, or approaching storm clouds resulting from changes in the wind, please ensure your personal safety by sheltering inside a sturdy building or taking similar precautions. Please pay attention for lightning strikes, hail, and sudden torrential rain.
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Hazardous winds such as tornadoes are likely to occur in Eastern Aichi Prefecture .
Please be on the alert for severe weather conditions.
In the event of lightning, or approaching storm clouds resulting from changes in the wind, please ensure your personal safety by sheltering inside a sturdy building or taking similar precautions.
Please pay attention for lightning strikes, hail, and sudden torrential rain.
This alert is in effect until 2:50 A.M. of 6th.
2024年11月6日01時43分 発表
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